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六级真题及答案参考 2019最新英语六级答案解析翻译一览

  • 来源:互联网
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  • 2019-12-16
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  • 0 条评论
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  26: E)under certain circumstances,

  27: L) ...we are lonely.

  28: I) .attribute desires to...

  29: A)can alleviate loneliness.

  30: J)had been excluded in social setting,

  31: B)..phones apparently substituted for...

  32: H)...beliefs and consciousness

  33: D)...are associating with...

  34: F)...especially in competitive situations.

  35: K)saw this feature as...


  36:F)首句: In the grass-fed systen, farmers are also not subject to the wildly

  37:C)首句: His first partnership was with Paul and phyllis amburgh.owners

  38:J)首句: And not every farmer has the option of going grass-fed

  39:D)首句: All this conversion has helped Maple hill grow 40-50%

  40:G)首句: While maple hill conversion program is unusually hands-on

  41:A)首句: Though he didn t come from a farming family,from a young age

  42:I)首句: Though advocates portray grass-fed products as a win-win situation

  43:E)首句: Champions of this type of regenerative grazing also point to its

  44:B)首句: Joseph wanted to put this theory to the test.

  45:K)首句: Another grass-fed booster spurring farmers to convert is EPIC



  46、B)Protect students from social pressures and enable them to face the world

  47、B)They widen the gap between privileged and disadvantaged students

  48、D)Activities involving all students on campus

  49、C)They don t want their kids to miss any chance to broaden their horizons despite

  50、C)Avoiding creating new gaps among students


  51、A)King penguins in the Antarctic will be on the verge of dying out

  52、C)Industrial fishing and climate change in the Antarctic region in recent years

  53、D)The majority of them may have to find new breeding grounds in the future

  54: A)Many baby king penguins cant have food in time

  55: D)Only a few of its islands can serve as huge breeding grounds for king penguins



  Plum blossom, which tops the ten most famous flowers of China, originated in south China and has a planting history of more than 3, 000 years. In winter, colourful plum flowers blossom boldly against the cold. In traditional Chinese culture plum blossom symbolizes toughness, purity and grace, motivating people to face hardships and move forward bravely In history, many poets and painters gained inspiration from the flower and created countless masterpieces. Ordinary citizens

  are also fond of the flower, which is often used to decorate the house during the spring festival.

  nanjing city has designated plumb blossom as the city flower and holds the flower festival every year,which attracts hundreds of thousands

